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Year of the Volunteer

Year of the Volunteer logo (black).png

The Year of the Volunteer campaign is an ongoing project with the goal of enriching Andover's volunteer offer for both prospective volunteers and volunteer organisations. Created and run by a group of Vision stakeholders and inspired by discussions between stakeholders, the campaign aims to increase volunteer uptake in Andover, share best practice between organisations and tackle common misconceptions around volunteering.

Our Campaign

Volunteering Group

How to volunteer

If you are looking to volunteer in Andover, where should I go to find opportunities that suit me and give me the information I'm after?

Chatting Over Coffee

Recruiting and Retaining Volunteers

What are the top tips for organisations looking to recruit volunteers? How are these volunteers retained?


Get involved in the Campaign!

We have made a number of templates available for your organisation so that you can get involved in the campaign!

Campaign Timeline

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Why do people volunteer? Stories from around Andover show the benefits, not only to Andover's community, but the volunteers themselves.



What is volunteering? In February we will look to bust some myths around volunteering and what it entails.

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How do I volunteer? In March we will look at the steps prospective volunteers should take when looking to get involved!

Follow the Vision on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date on Campaign Progress!
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